In geology, asbestos is known as a dangerous and life-threatening mineral. It is basically a silicate mineral formed from magma and can be found in the form of mineral fibers in rocks and soil. Asbestos is composed of elements such as magnesium, silicon and iron and it is classified into two groups based on the existed minerals: 1) Amphibole; 2) Serpentine Due to its high-resistance to heat and fire, asbestos is used in construction as refractory building material against fire.
When asbestos becomes fine, it is changed to small invisible particles. These invisible particles, which are less than 0.5 microns in diameter, can penetrate deep into the lungs when breathing. According to the report produced by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, being exposed to asbestos can lead to the diseases including: 1) asbestosis; 2) lung cancer; 3) mesothelioma; 4) throat cancer

After studies on the health hazards of exposure to asbestos, scientists published articles on the carcinogenic effects of this material in journals which forced the governments to pass a law banning production of the industrial products containing asbestos; eventually, CE and FDA approved this. In general, Europeans consider asbestos to be a toxic substance, and as a result, since 1980, its usage has sharply decreased in the industrialized countries around the world. Asbestos is very dangerous and toxic; therefore, asbestos-free materials should be used in human-related industries. In its recent approvals, World Health Organization (WHO) has stated usage of materials containing asbestos is prohibited.
Talc is one of the natural materials used widely in different industries. Talc directly and indirectly plays a significant role in human’s life; therefore, asbestos-free Talc must be used in industries. Having asbestos-free Talc Mines, Hanakia Company is honored to provide asbestos-free Talc to the companies. We stand by your industry and your customers’ health is important to us.